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The modern alternative to Udemy

Create and sell beautiful online courses with complete control. Keep 100% of your revenue while accessing powerful teaching and learning tools.

Design & UX
Beautiful and modern out of the box
Basic interface with limited customization
Revenue Share
100% revenue with Stripe integration
Take up to 50% of your revenue
Monetization Options
Flexible subscriptions and one-time payments
Only one-time course payments
Platform Type
100% Open Source & Self-hostable
Proprietary Platform
Content Types
Multiple content types & assignment formats
Limited to video content & quizzes
Fully customizable platform & branding
Fixed platform design
Platform Fees
No platform fees
High platform fees
Updates & Innovation
Regular updates & community-driven
Limited to platform roadmap
Featured on Explore Tab + Custom marketing
Algorithm-based visibility

Built for the modern educator

Everything you need to create and sell amazing courses, beautifully designed out of the box

Product Landing

Start teaching today

Join thousands of educators who have already made the switch to LearnHouse. Create your first course in minutes.